Sunday, 25 October 2015


أربعة مشاكل وأربعة حلول“
♡♡♡Empat Masalah dan Solusinya♡♡♡
/ إذا ابتُليت بالشهوات فراجع حفاظك على الصلوات 1.Jika anda diuji dengan SYAHWAT dan HAWA NAFSU, MAKA periksalah SHOLAT anda.
♡Al-Quran :
ﻓَﺨَﻠَﻒَ ﻣِﻦْ ﺑَﻌْﺪِﻫِﻢْ ﺧَﻠْﻒٌ ﺃَﺿَﺎﻋُﻮﺍ ﺍﻟﺼَّﻼَﺓَ ﻭَﺍﺗَّﺒَﻌُﻮﺍ ﺍﻟﺸَّﻬَﻮَﺍﺕِ ۖ ﻓَﺴَﻮْﻑَ ﻳَﻠْﻘَﻮْﻥَ ﻏَﻴًّﺎ“ "Maka datang sesudah mereka suatu keturunan yang mereka telah melalaikan sholat dan memperturutkan syahwat hawa nafsunya” (QS. MARYAM 59)

٢/ إذا أحسست بالقسوة وسوء الخلق والشقاء وعدم التوفيق فراجع علاقتك وبرك بأمك 2.Jika anda merasa KERAS HATI , BERPERANGAI BURUK , SIAL, SENGSARA dan TIDAK ADA KEMUDAHAN, MAKA periksalah HUBUNGANMU dengan IBUMU dan BAKTIMU kepadanya
♡Al Qur'an :
وَبَرًّا بِوَالِدَتِي وَلَمْ يَجْعَلْنِي جَبَّارًا شَقِيا “Dan (Dia jadikan aku) berbakti kepada ibuku, dan Dia tidak menjadikan aku seorang yang sombong lagi celaka” (QS. Maryam: 32)
٣/ إذا شعرت بالإكتئاب والضيق والضنك في العيش فراجع علاقتك بالقرآن 3.Jika anda merasa DEPRESI, TERTEKAN dan KESEMPITAN DALAM HIDUP ,MAKA periksalah interaksimu dengan Al-Qur’an.
♡Al Qur'an :
وَمَنْ أَعْرَضَ عَنْ ذِكْرِي فَإِنَّ لَهُ مَعِيشَةً ضَنكا “Dan barangsiapa berpaling dari peringatan-Ku (Al-Qur’an- berdzikir), maka sesungguhnya baginya penghidupan yang sempit” (QS. Thaha: 124)
٤/ إذا أحسست بعدم الثبات على الحق والإضطراب فراجع تنفيذك وفعلك لما تسمعه من الموعظة 4.Jika anda merasa KURANG TEGAR dan TEGUH di atas kebenaran dan gangguan kegelisahan, MAKA periksalah bagaimana pelaksanaanmu terhadap NASEHAT yang engkau dengar.
♡Al Qur'an : وَلَوْ أَنَّهُمْ فَعَلُواْ مَا يُوعَظُونَ بِهِ لَكَانَ خَيْراً لَّهُمْ وَأَشَدَّ تَثْبِيتاً “Sesungguhnya kalau mereka melaksanakan pelajaran yang diberikan kepada mereka, tentulah hal yang demikian itu lebih baik bagi mereka dan lebih meneguhkan (iman mereka)” (QS. Annisa: 66)

Semoga bermanfaat "Nyooooo...kite Sholat DHUHA....Walaupun cuma 2 Roka'at lho.....Biar hidup jd lbh Mudaaaah............"

Sumber ----> Klik : FB Marzuqi

Monday, 19 October 2015

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)


A. Pengertian Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran  [RPP] adalah rencana yang menggambarkan prosedur dan  pengorganisasian  pembelajaran  untuk  mencapai  satu  kompetensi  dasar  yang  ditetapkan  dalam  Standar  Isi  dan  dijabarkan  dalam  silabus.  Maka  ringkasnya  RPP  adalah  rencana operasional kegiatan pembelajaran setiap atau beberapa KD dalam setiap tatap muka di kelas. Lingkup RPP paling  luas mencakup 1 (satu) Komptensi Dasar  yang  terdiri  atas  1  (satu) indikator atau beberapa indikator untuk 1 (satu) kali pertemuan atau lebih.

RPP  harus  berupa  kegiatan  konkret  setapak  demi  setapak  yang  dilakukan  oleh  guru  di  kelas  dalam mendampingi  peserta  didik.  Satu  hal  yang  amat  penting  dalam  penyusunan  RPP adalah  bahwa  kegiatan  pembelajaran  harus  diarahkan  agar  berfokus  pada  peserta  didik, sedangkan  guru  berperan  sebagai  pendamping,  fasilitator.  Artinya,  ketika  guru  memilih pendekatan,  metode,  materi,  pengalaman  belajar,  interaksi  belajar  mengajar  harus memungkinkan  peserta  didik  berinteraksi  dan  aktif,  sedang  guru  memfasilitasi  dan mendampinginya.

B. Tujuan Rancangan Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

Pembentukan RPP memiliki tujuan diantaranya adalah:

-         Memberikan landasan pokok bagi guru dan siswa dalam mencapai kompetensi dasar dan indicator.

-         Memberi gambaran mengenai acuan kerja jangka pendek.

-         Karena disusun dengan menggunakan pendekatan sistem, memberi pengaruh terhadap pengembangan individu siswa.

-         Karena dirancang secara matang sebelum pembelajaran, berakibat terhadap nurturant effect.

C. Landasan Pengembangan RPP

Landasan RPP adalah PP no 19 tahun 2005 pasal 20. Di  dalam  PP  no  19 tahun 2005 pasal 20 dikatakan  bahwa perencanaan proses pembelajaran meliputi  silabus dan rencana  pembelajaran  yang  memuat  sekurang-kurangnya  tujuan pembelajaran, materi pembelajaran, metode pembelajaran, sumber belajar, dan penilaian hasil belajar.

Download juga Format RPP disini
contoh RPP untuk kelas X SMA Download 

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Short Story "Miracle of Love"


In another day, I set out early in the morning to the campus. Now, i look at the clock. 
It show at 5:30 that means I have to rush to the campus whose struggle and it was not easy
when early morning lived at boarding house who live together with activists campus. 
Ok, i am Irvina, i am student in popular University on my city. I am Rohis in my campus.

"Today I'm late to the campus Rey ... "
I complained to my friend. While I was packing books and proposals seminars campus. 
And today my schedule proposals must be done.

" Rey , could you take me to the campus right now... ? " I begged her.
But there was no response at all.

" Rey..Rey..Rey .. " i called her again.
I see, she was listening to music. For this time I do not care what she does, 
most importantly how I should be up at 06.00 to the campus .

( I went to Rey who was lying on the bed )
" Rey , please take me to the college right now...? " I begged her again 
and i removed her aerphone.
"Please ,  a company me to the campus. 
Definitely my friends already waiting for me ... "i’m insisted.
" Huh ... ok dear, calm down darling " her answered with little angry face .
The habits how Rey  called me by the name of Pina , whereas Irvina my name. 
Not because she is the Sundanese , but she enjoy called Pina. 
But I do not care about it all this time .
Actually every day,i always got angry about it and the edges 
are even jokes and bullying each others .
 ( Rey ready to wears hijab with a annoying face )

Finally, Rey a company me to the campus at 06:00.
"Pin, we already Arrived , do not forget to pay later ... " she said with a jokes.
" Ok Go-Jek, see you later " I also do not want to lose with her joke 
and immediately rushed to basecamp a conference room .
" Oh my God.. That girl called me Go-Jek ". 
As she passed the responsibility and start rode a motors.
*And passing the stairs to the 2nd floor .
" Finally, i arrived at basecamp on time " I mumbled to myself.
" Ya Allah, really crowded , already all my friends who set off anyway. 
I feel shy. Today i lost. How can get a good match if woke up often too late. 
Huh... ! what I thinking just now??
 O God , remember your study aboard Vin.. you must remember. Huuh .. !" I muttered.
" Assalamualaikum " while I open the door.
" Waalaikumsalamwarohmatullahibarokatuh " they replied .
And I immediately entering the room and i sat down together with the other sisters. 
And began the meeting which was chaired by the chairman of the general, 
he is Hisyam Perdana.
 He is clever , deft , attentive and good-looking too . 
He also often become the topic of conversation among female students on the campus, 
and also all my friends in boarding house often talking about him, 
but when all my friends often still being pretentious to be a cool, 
if we meet Hisyam and his friends. 
I thought Hisyam does not recognize me. Every Meet up, he not remember my name. 
*The discussions still run over*
Suddenly there are voices on the sidelines in the our discussions.
" I am so sorry, may I permit out briefly to meet my thesis lecturer? " .
" hmm ... the sounds is familiar to my ears " I muttered to myself. 
It was true that voice is Hisyam, general chairman . 
I Understood about it.  He is last semesters in my campus.
" For this time I have not been able to signature the proposal, 
may later i catch up, eemm ... and who brought the proposal .. ? " He added .
Then all my friends replied " Miss Vina " .
" Ooh .. Vina who is she ? " He muttered .
" Never mind, I'll call her later, because I am in a hurry so I 'm really sorry. 
Thank you , Wassalamualaikum "
All candidate responded " Waalaikumsalam warohmatullah " .
" Isee , he just do not know my name , Huuh .. " I muttered to myself.
Finally our discussions done and I rushed to the campus .

Approximately at 12.30 my study completed. 
Because there was no one to take the proposal,so I hurried up to boarding house.

I arrived at the boarding house already common greeted teasing of Rey 
"Ciyee..who is coming..?" ,
" I'm tired Rey,i want to pray and get rest ."
Suddenly my phone was ringing. 
Immediately I looked in my bag and I read a message, 
unknown number, i do not know who is she? .
The Contents " Assalamualaikum, i’m sorry for disturb you. 
I am Hisyam . This is  Vina number? 
Now I want to sign a proposal and I will send to Mr. Prof. Hariadhi. 
Now I have in front of  your boarding house, I will waiting" .
" OMG ... Hisyam, How came he known my numbers and my place”. 
I was negative thingking about it.
"Ok. Just wait outside i will came there " i replied.

And I rush out and bring the proposal .
" Pin ... Pin , where are you going ? " Asked Rey .
" Just wait Rey, i need to give my proposal for somebody " and i gone.
And immediately i meet Hisyam and his friend.
"i’m sorry , this is our proposal" i give it to him for assignment.
" I was waiting in the campus no one take  it,
 so I immediately rushed home" I explained.

" Huh..But why they are a bit weird? Look at me like that, 
maybe I look so ugly, because I not wash my face. 
I look crumpled after back from a class "I muttered in my hearts .

" It's okay. By the way  Thank you very much. 
I think i will take it to the campus directly, 
so i can get sign from Mr. Prof. Hariadhi "said Hisyam.
"Fine, and thank you very much, already bother me to come here " I replied .
"it's okay. Thank you, and we must goes right now. See you.. " and they gone .

I immediately went into my  room. and I remembered, 
I forgot wear my hijab when  met Hisyam and his friend. 
And I entered the room kept the story to Rey , and I cried uncontrollably. 
And Rey embraced and makes me to calm down .
" I'm embarrassed with Hisyam, 
and I do not want to meet or participate in meetings with him again " .
" Pin calm down .... it is accident. 
Just take a lesson from this event and hopefully no anything. 
Just pray " And Rey tried to calm me down .

One week passed, I will never again come to the agenda of the meeting or the seminar. 
Although many incoming messages asked me to attend the seminar, 
because however I secretary in our seminar. But I don’t care about it. 
I'm more embarrassed if I met up Hisyam , 
I don’t care about my duties organized , that's all.

Two weeks , three weeks it still can not shake off a sense of regret 
and shame to take part in the organization's meetings . 
I mostly leave campus and go back home. 
In boarding house, i Just read my favorite novels 
such Asma Nadia and Salim A. Fillah books.

This afternoon , I while lying down and read a novel by Asma Nadia, 
the titled " Assalamualaikum Beijing " that Novel so popular in my campuses .
Suddenly  Rey back home and she always bullying " Assalamualaikum my mate, 
which is more fun to read and read novels until forget 
there was a meeting at our organisation as well "

I don’t care about her. 
And Rey  talks and talks like a bird that has not been fed its mother. 
Suddenly Rey talks about somebody name on my ears, 
this sounds little sensitive. 
Yeah..she talking about Hisyam , yeah..Hisyam. 
That acccident  make me be like this, embarrassed as hell 

" Hisyam asked about you, he said how do you feel? " Rey said .
I always do not care it.
" Pin , are you hear what i’m talking about, right ? " Asked rey.
" Hmmm ... yes I listening. Then what i can do? " I replied.
" Right. Good question. He was asked me, when the time he met me in campus. 
He Said why you never participate in meetings . 
He asked again, Irvina is allright? " Rey stories.
"  and then... " I replied as i read my novels .
" Then... He asked again, what is going on Rey? Is she already has  another boyfriend..?   
why so rarely participate in meetings " continued Rey .
" She's more fun with ... immediately he cuts  my explained.  And he said, 
we are muslims, so we can do that. In Muslim no relationship before merried. 
So,I immediately cut off because i’m so angry. You are correct. 
She busy with someone else. 
She busy with her new novel. Please, when i talking, listen properly. 
Let me  finished what i talking about. Don’t cut off it, Sir. And.... He loughed at me. 
You know Pina.... that is bad habbit" Explained Rey .
" That’s all,Rey " I replied
"Yeah! Pin . Because I immediately leave him. I’m really angry. 
But if I think about it , you know or not .. In fact, He is good boy, 
he was care about you, he was thinking about Pina, Yeah! Miss Irvina "explained Rey .
" Hmmm ... is sounds good " I said. And i continue to read a book .
" Ok. I take shower, because so tired .. " She said. She walks into the bathroom.

* Five months passed *
Hisyam already a graduate, and I began to actively in organized again . 
And this holiday, that suddenly I got messages from my family. 
They asked to back home . Unusually my mother asked me to home quickly. 
Finally I go home. I Arrived,but I felt confused, why my house so crowded at this time, 
and no one I know. Only a few neighbors and even then the brothers and sisters. 
Suddenly I entered, there were called " Assalamualaikum Irvina " .

"The voice ... " I thought seemed familiar . I caught a figure, Hisyam.. i feell wondering.
" Waalaikumsalamwarohmatullahi wabarokatuh " I replied as needed .
I wondered "what is happening right now? , why he knew my house? 
and what He’s did in my house? " 
All the question marks were answered already by my mother, 
Hasyim and his family had been intending to merried me. 
And it feels like a dream you know. 
Hasyim, who perfect person in my campus and 
many girls love him and right now he came to my house, 
to ask my favor, because he saw when I do not wear the hijab in the first time . 
And I thought it is a disgrace in my life,but it is a miracle of love.
Yeah, I really do not know with Miracle of God. Thanks God.